maandag 21 november 2011

Vlamingen in de wereld

A while ago me and a friend, Isabelle Dubois, got contacted by Paradigma, a belgain television house. They asked us to make a small animation for 'Vlamingen in de werld', a department of the Flemish government which helps flemish people abroad.
Really nice people who give us a lot of space to 'play' and make something nice!

Here are some producionstills I made. The whole animation will be situated in a Belgian passport. Animation will be partially stop-motion, partially AFX.

I'm really enthousiastic about this one!

And here's the actual movie.

Lady Liberty

After my internship I got the chance to work for a payed assignment at 6+1. Thank you guys!
The idea was to remake the statue of liberty like the one that was used for 'Home Alone 2(or 3)'(doesn't really matter). Only the new version had to look surprized, since the prices of Brussels Airlines are so low to fly to NY.
It took a lot of my painting skills but in the end I'm pretty satisfied with the result! I learned a lot about my workflow and how clients think and switch their minds.

I always like it when people show how they came to the final result, so here's my evolution!