vrijdag 14 december 2012


Finally a 'doodle' worth publishing! It's been a while and I feel it. So now I'm drawing in my sketchbook every evening after work. Gogogo drawingskill!! (pencil, ecoline, ink & tipp-ex)

zondag 4 november 2012

Well of the moon

As I promised a while ago, here is a short recording of the live animation we did a while ago. It's only what's being projected, you won't see the orchestra or the narrator.

well of the moon from Kristof Hermans on Vimeo.

woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Underwater Love

A design I made for a 'Threadless' competition. The theme was 'Dangers of the deep'. Hopefully it gets printed.

donderdag 2 augustus 2012


An illustrating-in-photoshopupgrade.


Something I quickly made on my job. Could be resulting in an animation, could be ending up in the garbage (where he might be even happier). 
He lost 2 legs doing business with some rough cockroaches.

woensdag 11 juli 2012

'Op een haar'

Here's a flyer/poster design I made for a cabaret group called 'Intgeniep'.
If your interested in theater, here's the link http://intgeniep.com/. Go and check 'em out!

It was real fun to do and thanks for the tight deadline guys!

zondag 17 juni 2012

Painting again

Something I made as a gift. Ecoline & ink.

woensdag 16 mei 2012

Relics 2012

Just like last year the good people of Relics Arts festival organisation asked me to make their campagne image.
We decided to stay with the owl figure (because their cool animals). Since my illustrator skills are booming I went for this style. Turned out pretty good. I'm already looking forward to next years design! 

So here's the call for artists. 
Campagne image and site will look like this too.

Bijschrift toevoegen

donderdag 26 april 2012

Well of the Moon

Here are some screenshots from a  project that's been keeping me up for two weeks.
3 weeks ago me and my girl were asked to make 'something' to accompany a musical fairytale-performance in Leuven. The fairytale is called 'Well of the Moon' and was to brought by Maarten Schuurmans. During the pauzes in the storytelling, an orchestra plays musical themes (written along with the fairytale). Very cool, but kinda boring for a 4 year old kid.
Long story short, me and my girlfriend decided to go for a Lotte Reiniger inspired live animation, played during the music. We struggeld through 2 heavy weeks of late night working with cutting and exercising a routine.
The play was done on 2 glass plates, this way we could suggest depth and had more freedom in animating/playing. For the light we used my old lightbox (for once the blinding light was useful).
We learned a lot about live streaming to beamers and videocables and, had a great result!
Everything was worth the effort!

We don't have live footage yet, but were going redo some scenes and record them this time to give you the main idea.

zondag 25 maart 2012


One of my colleages is leaving and as tradition wants we make a tshirt for those who leave. As a sort of reminder. Here's a design I made. He's going back to uni, to learn about green energy, thats why it says 'go and recycle'. Apart from that I just wanted to draw something cool.